Author: Abdullah Mansoor

Blasphemy Laws in Islam: Balancing Faith, Freedom, and Justice

Historically, the concept of blasphemy in Islam is linked to the consolidation of political power. Blasphemy, defined broadly as any action or speech that offends Islamic beliefs, was viewed as a serious offense because it was seen as a threat to the stability of the early Islamic empires. Instances of severe punishments were often tied to cases where political rebellion was involved, as in the Ridda Wars (Wars of Apostasy) following the Prophet Muhammad’s death. This association between blasphemy and rebellion is further supported by the writings of influential scholars like Ibn Taymiyya, who argued that insults against the Prophet Muhammad were destabilizing, warranting harsh penalties to preserve the unity of the Islamic state.

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ज़ाकिर नाइक के औरतों के बारे में विचारों की एक नारीवादी तनकीद

नाइक के बयान एक तंग, मर्दवादी नज़रिए को दर्शाते हैं जो मुस्लिम औरतों के मुख्तलिफ तजुर्बों और जिन्सी इंसाफ के कुरआनी पैगाम को नज़रअंदाज़ करता है। खुली बहस और बातचीत को हौसला देकर, इस्लामी नारीवादी इस्लाम के बराबरी के जज़्बे को दोबारा हासिल करने और यह यकीनी बनाने की कोशिश करते हैं कि औरतों के हुकूक कुरआन के इंसाफ के उसूलों के मुताबिक बरकरार रहें।

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A Feminist Critique of Zakir Naik’s Views on Women Through an Islamic Lens

Naik’s visit was further marred by additional controversies, including his refusal to present awards to orphaned girls and his demand for VIP treatment regarding luggage allowance. The incident has led to debates about religious interpretation, women’s rights, and the appropriateness of hosting controversial figures as state guests in Pakistan.This controversy highlights the ongoing tensions between conservative religious views and more progressive attitudes towards women’s rights and social issues in the country. It also underscores the challenges faced by Muslim women, particularly in India, where they often struggle with issues like conservative societal norms, limited access to education, and economic disadvantages.This article provides a feminist critique of Zakir Naik’s controversial views on women from an Islamic perspective.The article concludes by calling for constructive dialogue within the Muslim community to challenge regressive interpretations and promote a more inclusive understanding of Islam that upholds women’s rights in accordance with Quranic principles

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Islamic Feminism and Its Role in Gender Justice in India

Today, Islamic feminism builds on this legacy, engaging with both classical Islamic scholarship and modern feminist theory. Unlike secular feminists who sometimes view Islam as inherently patriarchal, Islamic feminists work within the religious tradition to question and reform oppressive interpretations. They argue that many misogynistic interpretations of Islamic law are not inherent to Islam but are byproducts of patriarchal readings of the Qur’an.

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आडूजीविथम: द गोट लाइफ

‘आडूजीविथम’ एक मलयालम फिल्म है, जिसका निर्देशन ब्लेस्सी ने किया है। यह फिल्म 2024 में रिलीज़ हुई और बेन्यामिन के उपन्यास पर आधारित है। मुख्य भूमिका में पृथ्वीराज सुकुमारन हैं, जो नजीब नामक एक गरीब भारतीय मजदूर का किरदार निभा रहे हैं। अन्य कलाकारों में अमाला पॉल और विनीत श्रीनिवासन भी शामिल हैं। फिल्म का निर्माण अरुण कुमार के केवी एंटरप्राइजेज के तहत हुआ है, और संगीत ए.आर. रहमान ने दिया है।

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